Giacomo Kahn

Giacomo Kahn

Since September 2020, I am an associate professor at Université Lumière Lyon 2. I teach at the IUT Lumière and work in DISP lab for my research.
Before that, starting in August 2019, I was a research fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, working with Assoc Prof Tay Wee Peng.
From October 2018 to August 2019, I was a research and teaching assistant (Ater) at LIFO and Université d'Orléans. I was a member of team GaMoC.
Before that, I was a PhD student in computer science at Université Clermont Auvergne (France) since October 2015. My supervisor was Olivier Raynaud. I was a proud member of team AlCoLoCo.

We might have met at one of these events.

giacomo (at) kahn dot science

Bureau 3.006 IUT Lumière
Université Lumière Lyon 2
160 Boulevard de l'Université
69500 Bron